The birthstone of July, this stone is one of the most valuable stones in the world due to the rarity of the stone. This stone symbolizes desire, passion and courage. It is known as the “king of precious stones”.

This alluring form of the sapphire world is known to bring the wisdom of resilience to the wearer’s life. It is an ideal stone for emotional protection. As all sapphires, this stone is believed to release unwanted thoughts and mental tension.

The orange sapphire is believed to bring in the loving creation from the heart to the world. These forms of sapphires are believed to bring warmth and physical comfort to the wearers life.

This is a stone for “new beginnings”, this stone represents inner growth and strength. It is believed that this stone soothes emotional instability and stress, providing calmness to the wearer. Moonstones furthermore promote inspiration, success and good fortune to the wearer.

This stone is the birthstone for the month of March. The word Aquamarine comes from the latin words water and sea. It is believed that this stone bestows the owner with foresight, courage and happiness.

The Blue Sapphire is the national gemstone of Sri Lanka and the birthstone for the month of September. Sapphires are believed to enhance the wearer’s intuition, mental clarity and spiritual power. A stone of spiritual healing, Blue Sapphires are used to channel healing energies.